jiangzhengwenjz 发表于 2023-10-10 04:54:11

PokeMetroid 3.0【英文火红改版】

本帖最后由 jiangzhengwenjz 于 2023-10-10 04:55 编辑




This hack substitutes the starter evolution lines for:

Metroid, Gamma Metroid and Omega Metroid
Birdie, Misterious Creature and Ridley
X Parasite, Core X and Barrier X
All starters can now be caught in the wild
And the legendary pokémon for:

Phantoon (Power plant)
Draygon (Seafoam Islands)
Kraid (Mt. Ember)
Mother Brain (Cerulean Cave)
They all have completely revamped movesets, types, base stats, abilities etc.

The female trainer sprites are changed to resemble Samus Aran as a Pokémon trainer.

The rival is changed to be your evil sister as a reference to Dark Samus. She will pick a complementary starter and has custom teams to go with them.

This is the final version I’m ready to make by myself. If you’d like to contribute to further added features check the Readme file

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xAq16EoOuhO1Zofv6uIR1g 提取码: **** Hidden Message *****


wertyzyxw 发表于 2024-4-8 22:30:37

:L 这都要隐藏啊……
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