jiangzhengwenjz 发表于 2014-11-23 11:57:14


本帖最后由 jiangzhengwenjz 于 2014-11-23 12:02 编辑



Like all previous Pokémon games, there is the Bicycle item that allows for you to travel faster than simple walking and running. Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, like the originals, actually provides two different bikes. You get these at Mauville City, in Rydel's shop.
As there are only two bikes in the game, you can only have one and need to go back to Mauville City in order to switch bikes, at least at first. (一开始只能同时拥有一辆自行车且需回店换车)
Acro Bike (即D商译山地自行车)

The Acro Bike has got an increased speed over running, but it's not incredibly fast. (并不是很快)Instead, it is used in order to move through various obstacles.(可以越过各类障碍) Using the Acro Bike, you can, on certain bridges, press B and a direction to hop across adjacent bridges. In addition to that, you can do wheelies when you hold the B Button while moving.
If you hold the B Button while stationary, you will start bouncing. This allows you to move up and down specific ledges. These are sometimes necessary to reach certain items in a variety of areas. (可以用于得到部分道具)
Mach Bike (即D商译风马自行车)

The Mach Bike's main feature is that it has you move at two times the normal speed. This starts off slow but has you speed up incredibly fast, allowing for much quicker travel It has another use, however. On some cliffsides, you will find a bit that will knock you back down if you are trying to climb it on foot or with the Acro Bike. If you go at it at full speed on the Mach Bike, however, you will be able to climb the slope.(可以在满速时冲上斜坡)
If you go onto Cycling Road from the north gate and reach the bottom gate while riding the Mach Bike, you will also be timed and your number of collisions is counted.(自行车路上会记录数据)
Getting Both Bikes(如何同时获取两辆车)

A brand new feature to Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire is the ability to have both bikes at the same time. This is necessary for getting some items in a variety of areas including the Safari Zone and various Mirage Caves. To get both bikes, you need to advertise Rydel's Bikes to various people throughout the region(同时有两辆车需要向以下的人打广告)

[*]Mach Bike - Show the Mach Bike to a Hex Maniac in the Route 111 Desert
[*]Acro Bike - Show the Acro Bike to a Bird Keeper in the Acro Bike area of Route 119 - Requires Surf & Waterfall(需冲浪及登瀑)
[*]Any Bike - Speak to a Triathlete(铁人三项运动员) in Battle Resort
Once you have spoken to all three of these characters(必须按以上条件全部对话), return to Rydel's Cycles in Mauville City and he will give you the other bike(回自行车店取另一辆自行车), so you now have both bikes at the same time.

dumbledore626 发表于 2014-11-23 21:54:03


海のLUGIA 发表于 2014-11-23 23:17:30


hpdf001 发表于 2014-11-24 08:35:22

下一步 应该自行车 喷漆 XY有美瞳 唇膏 脸颊 等颜色变更 宝石取消了吧?
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