本帖最后由 jiangzhengwenjz 于 2023-11-25 16:46 编辑
原帖:https://www.pokemontrash.com/clu ... low-(maj-30-11-17)/
- New clean title screen! FINISHED!
- Capture of Pikachu by Prof. Chen. FINISHED!
- Unique Pikachu! With the design of Thunder Yellow V1! FINISHED!
- The same trainers as in POKÉMON YELLOW VERSION! FINISHED!
- The same wild pokemon as in POKÉMON YELLOW VERSION! FINISHED!
- Only the 151 basic pokemon before the league. FINISHED!
- Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Enteï, Suicune, Raikou and Celebi available! FINISHED!
- The three starters, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle available where they were on POKÉMON YELLOW VERSION! FINISHED!
- Pokémon normally uncatchable in the YELLOW VERSION will be offered (eg: ASPICHOT), to be able to fill your Pokédex, so talk to everyone! FINISHED!
- Our hero trades his dark red for vibrant yellow! FINISHED!
- The rival really has an EEVEE! FINISHED!
- Starting script redone to allow the rival to take his starter! FINISHED!
- Refurbished YELLOW VERSION sprite. FINISHED!
- ... (and more!)
No shout for Mega Evolutions (Pikachu shout by default).
Grass animation not found, I would like to correct it.
Sevii Islands Battle Tower unusable.
The title screen is not displayed on GBA flashcards and CIAs for 3DS.
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pjXJlsvw698WFP7Vn255kQ 提取码:
Pokemon Thunder Yellow r12.bps
(1.63 MB, 下载次数: 0)