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Pokestuck Fire Red(英文火红改版) |
http://tinybit92.tumblr.com/post/59825033381/pokestuck-firered-a-fully-playable-homestuck-pokemon Pokestuck FireRed- A fully playable Homestuck Pokemon Hack ![]() Hey you! Do you like Homestuck? Do you like Pokemon? Have you ever wanted to play a Homestuck version of a Pokemon game? Well now you can! Set out on your Pokemon journey as Jade Harley, and battle your friendly rival Dave Strider to see who can become champion of the Pokemon League. ![]() Wondering exactly what this game is about? Well, this is a hack of Pokemon FireRed for GBA. If you’ve never played a Pokemon ROM hack before, feel free to look it up and get an idea. I am a first time Pokemon Hacker, so this game isn’t one those elaborate hacks where they make their own region and completely revamp everything. This is just the Kanto region, with Jade and Dave trying to conquer the Indigo Plateau. ![]() Get your first Pokemon from Bro Strider, defeat the eight Gym Leaders and the Elite Four in order to become champion. Did I mention the Trolls seem to have taken over the Pokemon league? ![]() All important characters have been replaced with Homestuck characters, the story has been changed to blend Pokemon and Hometuck together into one world, and certain other events and Pokemon encounters have been changed to make things a bit more interesting. So, if you want a fun Pokemon game combined with some of your favorite Homestuck characters, this is the place to get it. Dowload the IPS file here. Please note that this game has not been beta tested, so if you run into any textual bugs or anything, please feel free to send me a message so I can see about fixing it. Unless it is the Doc Scratch speech glitch near the beginning, I am fully aware of that one and for the life of me can not get it to go away. For instructions on what you’ll need to get the game running and information about Changes in evolution and wild encounters, check under the read more. Otherwise, have fun! Go ahead and send me a message with any questions or comments you may have. If you post any screenshots or gameplay footage, tag it so I can find it, I’d love to see what you all do with this. ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~How To Get It Working~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, so in order to play Pokestuck, you are going to need four things: A Gameboy Advance emulator, a ROM for Pokemon FireRed, the Pokestuck IPS file, and a program called Lunar IPS. Before I get into this though, let me explain the legality behind ROMs and Pokemon hacks. Now, ROMs are entire video games whose information was ripped from the cartridge and converted into a format that can be played on your computer. Because video games are owned by their respective companies, obtaining a free copy of the game online is illegal, UNLESS you already own a legally obtained copy of the game. So, if you have a Pokemon FireRed cartridge in your possession, it is perfectly legal for you to own a ROM of it. If you don’t, well, no one’s gonna come busting down your door and slap you with a fine, but you should be aware of what you’re doing. Hacking games to make your own is also entirely legal, so long as you are not distributing ROMs or making any money off of it. Now that that’s out of the way, for your emulator, I would recommend VisualBoy Advance. It’s one of the most reliable GBA emulators out there. As far as an actual ROM goes, I can not link you directly to one for legal reasons. But just type Pokemon Fire Red ROM into Google and you’ll find one right away. The IPS file is that first link provided before the red more, but in case you missed it and don‘t want to scroll all the way back up, here it is again. Lastly, you’ll need this nifty little program called Lunar IPS. See, as I stated before, distributing ROMs is technically not okay, which is why the IPS file was invented. It’s a file that has all the information that is different from the original about your Pokemon hack. Lunar IPS is the program used to create these files, and to apply them. So you need this to make it work. I would also recommend a USB based controller of some sort, if you are like me and don’t like playing your emulators on a keyboard, but that has a bit more to do with personal preference. If you happen to have a USB SNES controller, the layout of that works pretty comfortably for this, but if you don’t, any wired Xbox 360 controller can also be plugged into your computer and used for this purpose. Once you have all of these things, what you are going to do is open Lunar IPS. Cick Apply IPS and navigate to wherever you saved your Pokestuck IPS. Click that, and then it will open the navigation window a second time. Now navigate to where you saved your FireRed ROM and click on that. Give it a minute, and it will apply the patch. Once that’s done, your Pokemon FireRed file should now be called Pokestuck FireRed. That’s it, you now have the fully functioning ROM. Boot up VBA, get your controls set up how you like them by going to Options>Joypad>configure>1, then open the ROM and enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~Change Notes~~~~~~~~~~~~ This game is written to be played as Jade Harley, as such, you should be picking the girl option when prompted. You can still pick boy, the sprite for which is essentially just a blacked out version of the default male trainer sprite, who I like to jokingly refer to as Slick. However, all the dialogue in game is written as if you are playing as Jade, so it’s gonna make things rather strange and silly if you play as a boy. Minor changes have been made to the teams of several of the gym leaders, but they still use the same types, so you should be able to keep your usual type strategies no problem. The one exception to this rule is the first gym leader that replaced Brock, who uses Normal Type Pokemon instead of Rock Types. This change will make sense when you get there. Wild encounters have been changed in several places so that all 386 generation 3 Pokemon are available for capture. Or, at the very least, their base forms are, and you can evolve them yourself. For capturing Lugia, Ho-oh, and Deoxys, the Mystic Ticket and Aurora Ticket have been made available for purchase at a shop on one of the Sevii Islands. I have not tested what happens if you buy more than one of either of them, so I would maybe suggest not doing that, just in case. Important Evolution Changes! Because this is a hack, you can not trade Pokemon in order to evolve them, and because it’s FireRed, the time based evolutions don’t work either. Due to this, certain Pokemon’s evolutions have been changed. Also, evolving by holding certain items and leveling was a mechanic not introduced until generation 4, so my workarounds tend to involve evolution stones, friendship, or just reaching a certain level. I will list these changes here:
Feebas evolution was changed simply for ease, as Beauty is an invisible stat in FireRed which makes it very difficult to achieve Max Beauty. Because there is now a higher demand for Sun Stones and Moon Stones, they have been made purchasable at the Celadon City Department Store alongside all the other evolution stones. Please note that the National Dex lock is still in place, so attempting to evolve your Poliwhirl into a Politoed or your Eevee into an Espeon before defeating the Elite Four will not work. If it is requested enough, I will make a sort of Pokedex list telling you where you can catch each Pokemon in game. In the meantime, I would simply recommend exploring everywhere you can. Also, all Pokemon that were previously only available in the Safari Zone can now be caught elsewhere as well. Excluding Dratini, who can still only be obtained either via fishing in the Safari Zone, or by purchasing it from the Game Corner in Celadon City. I’m not giving you guys an unlimited supply of easily accessible dragons. :P I think that’s all you really need to know without spoiling anything. Go have fun! 下载地址:
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