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Pokémon Diabound beta 1.0【英文火红改版】









Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26Rank: 26



发表于 2019-6-18 02:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Rom Info
Base Rom: Pokémon Fire Red 1.0
Language: English

You and your mother recently move to the Yogen region from Johto. Yogen is said to be a peaceful region, prosperous without problem. And it has been so during the last centuries. But something feels uneasy, something is about to happen.

You moved to the small Town Fernspruce, there you met two other young boys and a professor, you make great friends with the boys. One day, the Professor ask you all if you'd like to receive a rare Pokémon, all of you were surprised to this sudden gift, of course nobody declines it, but why where you given the Pokémon? Is something brewing that none of you know, but the professor? Could he be scheming something? Nobody knows, play it and find out!

• New Moves
131 Moves from the 4 and 5th generation with full custom animations and effects.

• New Abilites
There are about 60 new abilities from Gens IV-VI

• Updated Effects
Abilities and moves have been updated to match the newer generations.

• Physical/Special/Status Split
Moves now have the PSS Split.

• Fairy Type
Fairy type is in the game.

• New Region
Explore the Yogen region and meet new friends, solve mysteries and become the new champion!

• Nature colored stats
A nature that increases a stat is colored red, while blue signifys a decreased stat.

• Decapitalisation
Most if not the whole game has been decapitalised.

• BW 2 Repel System
Will automatically ask you if you wan't to use another repel, if you have more than one.

• Pokémarts sell based on badges
Pokémarts will now sell you items based on what badge you have, the higher the better.

• Minor features
Running indoors, functional sideways stairs that gives you the feel of elevation, the player will face trainers before battle.

• MrDollSteak's Rombase
G3HS - Karatekid552 (Such a fantastic tool for editing Pokemon!)
Pokemon Game Editor - Gamer2020 (This is the best tool for editing moves at the moment)
Decapitalisation - MrDollSteak
Pokedex Glitch Fix - Hackmew
Physical/Special/Status Split - Doesntknowhowtoplay
PSS Icons - Darthatron, Jambo51
Extended Move Table - Jambo51, Itman
Extended Move Effect Table - Jambo51, Itman
Extended Move Background Table - Chaos Rush, Tajaros
Extended Soundproof Table - Kurapika
New Moves - Contributors to '4th&5th Gen. Move Resources', MrDollSteak, Jambo51,Chaos Rush, KDS, mamamama... (to name a few)
Extended Ability Table - MrDollSteak
New Movesets - MrDollSteak
New Abilities - Doesn'tknowhowtoplay, Karatekid552, Jambo51, HidoranBlaze, KDS and MrDollsteak
New Items - Doesn'tknowhowtoplay, MrDollSteak, HidoranBlaze, KDS
Fairy-Type - MrDollSteak
Bug Finding and Fixing- Mystery Man, Doom Chaos, Chrunch, Noossab Blue, The Shiny Ho-Oh, Projectwolfie, Aidane154 and Doesn'tknowhowtoplay, NewDenverCity, Exodrake and others
Helping me in general - The_Learner
TL's Quick Enhancer - The_Learner
Hacked Engine - JPAN
Dynamic Overworld Palettes - Navenatox
BW2 Repel System - Darthatron
EV Cap to 252 - Touched

• Sprites
Zeikku - Hero OW sprite

• Scripts
Gamefreak - Namerater
Manipulation - Eggshop, edited by me

• Tiles

• Tools used
LU-HO - A-Map
LU-HO - Tileset Animation Editor
HxD - Maël Hörtz
HackMew - XSE
Kimonas - OWM
link 1252 - NSE
D-Trogh - NTME
int - TileHelperAdvance

• Beta-Testers

This is not a bug but you can't name your starter, I couldn't get the call to work, although I put a name rater in route 2.

The egg in the hatch scene has a weird palette.

Hero fishing/cycling/surfing OW has a weird palette.

Sometimes when you enter starting town weird colors appear below the houses, this is very minior however.

A script in the first cave seems to deactivate/activate in som kind of way involving the use of repels.

The day-care is buggy, some text may appear weird and do not put 2 Pokémons in there, when you take them out the game crashes. Putting only 1 in seems to work fine though. I will look into this in the future.

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