Me [Bladecraft]
"Nice and Simple"
Idea and Creating the Rom
"With the amount of times that you asked FOR CREDITS PLS there was no way I'm not putting you in, bro"
Earns the title: "My Best Man"
This guy definitely helped me the most, for almost every question he had an answer, earned me the most motivation, and even if he didn't know a solution, I'd still have a good laugh. Tainted my mate, we have good talks, we laugh together and exchange knowledge and I truly appreciate you and love you for that. Hoping that this type of communication sticks around for a long time.
If he doesn't like you I kill you.
"We haven't talked much, but you're pretty nice."
Earns the title: "My White xxxxEN Knight"
The first guy to help idiot me successfully. Granted me a lot of motivation, thanks a lot if you see this.
"You're just a slowpoke man"
Earns the title: "Smartest, Funniest and Ugliest dude"
Well I never really talked to you really, but we've talked enough for you to be here, lol.
"True kindness comes from the egg"
Earns the title: "Emerald Reviver"
Great guy - He helped me (unsuccessfully) when I first tried making the rom back in February, hope to see more of you.
"I'll bring 7 ducks"
Earns the title: "How the Hell do You Know This?"
This guy somehow knew a fix to every major bug I had O.O - Much appreciated man. You also rewrote an excellent ASM routine to work for me and dealt very well with my whining over stuff that don't work. Thanks a lot.
"Seriously man"
Earns the title: "The Meme"
Wobb, you're special, and can provide hours of meme entertainment. That's all, you can forget me again.
"Will anyone ever impress you?"
Earns the title: "Memory Loss"
Don't be confused. It's not because Ryusaki forgets things. It's because I forgot what he helped me with.
I do remember that you helped me with something, even various things to be completely honest. But I completely forgot what. ._.
"You have a golden, Spanish, golden heart. Also Emerald is better than Fire Red."
Earns the title: "Iron Will"
You have dealt with immense pressure from various sources [including me] regarding rom hacking [you know what I'm talking about], and you have done it responsibly, calmly and generously. I find these features of you something I look up for. Also for some personal help here especially in ASM I decide to include you in the big list super important people list.
Obligatory You [The Player]
"I never liked you, anyways"
Earns the title: "True Champio-Wally" *you earn the title only if you finish the game, which is currently impossible.
For playing and enjoying [no thanks for you if you didn't enjoy]
All of these people for making these threads and tutorials:
Phenom2122 - Flag Lists in Emerald -
link12552 - Advanced Map Tutorial -
cooley - Level Script Tutorial -
diegoisawesome - Scripting Tutorial -
PunsAreFun (from Reddit) - Trainer/Gym Battles Tutorial -
Danny0317 - Pokémon Emerald Speical List -
HackMew - HackMew's Knowledge -
The Hack uses various ASM Routines. Thanks to the following people for creating them!
mewthree9000 [from pokemonhackersonline]
And additional thanks to these following people for reporting various bugs they found through out their adventure:
megaman d
A Thique Boy
happy even after
Last but not least, I'd like to thank these following members of the PC Discord for providing me with entertainment, motivation and a general positive feeling: