本帖最后由 jiangzhengwenjz 于 2023-8-28 10:56 编辑 此改版可以通关
Hack name: Pokémon Sweet 2th
Hack of: Pokémon FireRed US Version 1.0 ROM
Language: English
Reminder: When you play this game in VBA make sure to change the emulator's save settings to Flash 128k or you can't save! I also recommend having rewind enabled for your safety.
Two and a half years ago, I dropped Fire Red and a box of chocolate bunnies into a blender. This resulted in two things: The world's worst smoothie, and an idea for a ROM hack in which the world of Pokémon melds with Candyland in every respect, from the Pokémon themselves to the moves that they used. And then I actually made that ROM hack, and it proved to be a refreshing hit with players, as is evident by the amount of fanart that began to pop up. Heck, I even made TVTropes! You guys really know how to butter me up.
The fanart and fan sprites, coupled with the fact that the original hack was made during a time when I wasn't all that experienced with hacking Fire Red, inspired me to create a sequel - this time using all the knowledge I had gained in those two years, an entirely new region instead of a reskin of the original, and more than double the number of PokéSweets the original had.
- Crafting: Just like the previous hack, craft EV items out of berries, this time at any house with a kitchen sink
- Fast Travel: Anytime you are outdoors, you can warp to any known location using the Start menu
- No HMs here: Your PokéSweets clear obstacles without need for HMs or badges
- Customizable music: Use the Music Player item to change what music plays in battle
- A grand total of 386 PokéSweets: The original 151 return, along with over 200 new treats made by the fans
- Mega Evolutions: Courtesy of Touched, 25 real Mega Evolutions, fresh out of the oven
- Non-linear map: Depending on the starter you select, you will take one of three routes through the region
- Sidequests: Just like before, many NPCs will reward you for completing their tasks
- Non-breaking Sweet Balls: Your balls don't break if they fail to capture, but they are now more expensive to compensate
- Cookbook incentives: Get rewarded with cool items for Cookbook completion
Spriters: (Look em' up on DeviantArt!)
SgtSmilies - Region Map
Stuff I used:
MrDollSteak - Decap ROM Base
Doesntknowhowtoplay - Inverse Battles, IV display (modified by me to display EVs)
Touched - Mega Evolution
Navenatox - Dynamic Overworld Palettes
JPAN - Save Block Recycler
Jambo - Safe Flags/Vars
Ismash - Capture EXP (Though it doesn't seem to work alongside the other Pokeball hack)
Shiny Quagsire - Berry Bag Selection
FBI - Multibox hack
NewDenverCity - Speeding Up FireRed
~Ruki! - HGSS Kanto Reloaded Music
下载地址: 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4ZiPQt 密码: